2023 Construction Impacts
Multi-use trails at Steamboat Ski Resort are open this summer but may be periodically impacted due to work on the installation of the Mahogany Ridge Express lift and the upper portion of the Wild Blue Gondola. Trails may have detours or delays on impacted days depending on weather and flight opportunities. When helicopters are done flying for the day, impacted multi-use trails will be available for riding and hiking. Check out the Steamboat App and website for the most up to date information on open and closed trails, and please respect all closures for your own safety.
Impacts will be listed and updated below:
November 4:
- A helicopter will be spreading mulch around the mountain, resulting in the following impacts:
- Closure of forest service trails: Moonlight and Elkhead Loop
- Intermittent closures to Pioneer, Thunderhead Hiking Trail, Why Not Road, Yoo Hoo Road and Duster Road.
As a reminder, the Steamboat Bike Park is officially closed for the season. Multi-use Forest Service trails remain accessible when weather conditions allow.
This will be the last trail impact update provided as summer and fall operations have wrapped up for the season and snowmaking and grooming operations have begun. Resort crews will be working across the entire mountain with heavy machinery and snowmaking equipment in preparation of our Opening Day scheduled for November 22. Uphill access is not permitted at this time. Mountain resources are also not available including facilities such as bathrooms, water fountains, etc., and patrol. More information about our Uphill Access programs and policies here.
October 26:
- A helicopter will be spreading mulch around the mountain, resulting in the following impacts:
- Closure of forest service trails: Moonlight and Elkhead Loop
- Intermittent closures to Thunderhead Hiking Trail, Why Not Road, Yoo Hoo Road and Duster Road.
Oct 13 – 19
- Why Not Road remains closed Monday – Friday from 8am – 5pm
- Haul Rope installation for Mahogany Ridge continues, with the splice taking place Oct 16-17.
- No impacts to Pioneer anticipated
Oct 5 – 12
- Why Not Road remains closed Monday – Friday from 8am – 5pm
- Now starting Oct 11: Haul rope installation for Mahogany Ridge Express begins, which means Pioneer is open today through Tuesday, Oct 10.
- Manned closure of Pioneer forest service trail on Wednesday, Oct 11
- Pioneer to remain closed Oct 12-15
Sept 29 – Oct 6:
- Christie Peak Express lift will be closed for the remainder of the summer season as soil stabilization work is completed around one of the towers. Beginner Bike Park access at the top of the Gondola is available via Tenderfoot. Access to beginner trails below Christie Peak will only be accessible via the Gondola and Rustler’s Ridge, an intermediate trail.
- Why Not Road remains closed Monday – Friday from 8am – 5pm
- Sept 29: Rocky Mountain Youth Corps will be performing trail maintenance on upper forest service trails. Trails will remain open, but have signage to alert hikers/riders when work is in progress. Impacted trails include Pete’s Wicked, Cathy’s Cutoff, Sunshine, Valley View, Elkhead loop, Moonlight and Vista Nature hiking trail. Haul rope installation for Mahogany Ridge Express will now begin in October, so there are no scheduled impacts to Pioneer forest service trail this weekend or next week.
- Oct 2: Duster Road will be closed for crane activity.
- Oct 2 – 3: Lariat Road closed for fiber pull for Mahogany Ridge Express
- Starting Oct 6: Haul rope installation for Mahogany Ridge Express begins
- Manned closure of Pioneer forest service trail
- Check out the Steamboat App and website for the most up to date information on open and closed trails, and please respect all closures for your own safety.
The Steamboat Bike Park will be officially closed for the season after this weekend (Fri – Sun). Multi-use Forest Service trails remain open, but may be subject to construction impacts which we will continue to share in advance.
Sept 21- Sept 28:
- Christie Peak Express lift will be closed for the remainder of the summer season as soil stabilization work is completed around one of the towers. Beginner Bike Park access at the top of the Gondola is available via Tenderfoot. Access to beginner trails below Christie Peak will only be accessible via the Gondola and Rustler’s Ridge, an intermediate trail.
- Why Not Road remains closed Monday – Friday from 8am – 5pm
- Haul rope installation for Mahogany Ridge Express will now begin in October, so there are no scheduled impacts to Pioneer forest service trail this weekend or next week.
- Sept 25: Duster Road will be closed for power tie-in work.
- Sept 26 – 29: Rocky Mountain Youth Corps will be performing trail maintenance on upper forest service trails. Trails will remain open, but have signage to alert hikers/riders when work is in progress. Impacted trails include Pete’s Wicked, Cathy’s Cutoff, Sunshine, Valley View, Elkhead loop, Moonlight and Vista Nature hiking trail.
Sept 16 – Sept 21:
- Christie Peak Express lift will be closed for the remainder of the summer season as soil stabilization work is completed around one of the towers. Beginner Bike Park access at the top of the Gondola is available via Tenderfoot. Access to beginner trails below Christie Peak will only be accessible via the Gondola and Rustler’s Ridge, an intermediate trail.
- Why Not Road remains closed Monday – Friday from 8am – 5pm
- Starting Sept 21: Haul rope installation for Mahogany Ridge Express begins
- Closure of Pioneer forest service trail
Update for Thursday, September 14
- Helicopter will be spreading mulch around the mountain, resulting in additional closures and impacts:
- Closure of forest service trails including Zig Zag, Creekside, Pioneer, Pete’s Wicked, Cathy’s Cutoff, Sunshine, Elkhead Loop as well as Duster Road.
- Access to the Resort via Mountain View Trail will be impacted during these closures. Please follow all signage, closures, and reroutes.
Sept 8 – Sept 15:
- Christie Peak Express lift will be closed for the remainder of the summer season as soil stabilization work is completed around one of the towers. Beginner Bike Park access at the top of the Gondola is available via Tenderfoot. Access to beginner trails below Christie Peak will only be accessible via the Gondola and Rustler’s Ridge, an intermediate trail.
- Why Not Road remains closed Monday – Friday from 8am – 5pm.
- Sept 8 – 11: Wild Blue Gondola haul rope installation continues with the second splice taking place on Monday, Sept 11.
- No bike park or forest service trail impacts
- Intermittent closures for Yoo Hoo Road.
- Sept 8 – 9, 11-14: Helicopter flying for logging activities, including spreading of wood chips around the mountain.
- Closure of forest service trails including Zig Zag, Creekside and Pioneer
- Intermittent closures of Tenderfoot bike park trail
Sept 1 – Sept 7:
- Christie Peak Express lift will be closed for the remainder of the summer season as soil stabilization work is completed around one of the towers. Beginner Bike Park access at the top of the Gondola is available via Tenderfoot. Access to beginner trails below Christie Peak will only be accessible via the Gondola and Rustler’s Ridge, an intermediate trail.
- Sept 1 – 3: Wild Blue Gondola haul rope installation continues with steel cables.
- Forest service trails will be closed including Pioneer, Pete’s Wicked, Cathy’s Cutoff, and Sunshine
- Intermittent closures on bike park trails of Flying Diamond, Tenderfoot, and Rawhide
- Intermittent closures for Why Not Road, Yoo Hoo Road, Short Cut Road and Snowmaking Control road
- Sept 6 – 7: Helicopter flying for logging activities
- Intermittent closures on forest service trails of Zig Zag, Creekside and Pioneer
Beginning Tuesday, September 5 the Steamboat Bike Park will be closed during the weekdays and only open weekends (Fri-Sun) through the end of September. Multi-use Forest Service trails remain open during the week, but may be subject to construction impacts which we will continue to share in advance.
August 25 – August 31, 2023:
- Christie Peak Express lift will be closed for the remainder of the summer season as soil stabilization work is completed around one of the towers. Beginner Bike Park access at the top of the Gondola is available via Tenderfoot. Access to beginner trails below Christie Peak will only be accessible via the Gondola and Rustler’s Ridge, an intermediate trail.
- Moonlight trail is now open as the snowmaking installation is completed for that area.
- Wild Blue Gondola haul rope installation continues with steel cables.
- Forest service trails will have intermittent closures including Pioneer and Sunshine.
- Intermittent closures on bike park trails of Flying Diamond, Tenderfoot, and Rawhide
- Intermittent closures for Why Not Road, Yoo Hoo Road, Short Cut Road and Snowmaking Control road
- Friday, August 25 – Wednesday, August 30: Sundown haul rope splice, necessary for maintenance of the lift
- Upper forest service trails will be closed including Pete’s Wicked Trail and Cathy’s Cutoff.
- Tuesday, August 29 – Wednesday, August 30: Helicopter will be installing Mahogany Ridge Express towers
- Forest service trails will be closed including Pioneer, Creekside, Pete’s Wicked, Cathy’s Cutoff, Sunshine, Duster, Elkhead, and Storm Peak Challenge.
- Intermittent closures of Tenderfoot bike park trail.
- When the helicopter is refueling there will be temporary closures of bike park trails including Cowpoke, Lickity Split and Gunsmoke as well as YooHoo Road and the Thunderhead hiking trail.
- Access to the Resort via Mountain View Trail will be impacted during these closures. Please follow all signage, closures, and reroutes.
August 17 – August 24, 2023:
- Moonlight trail remains closed for snowmaking installations through early next week. Cathy’s Cutoff and Pete’s Wicked will be closed for snowmaking installation August 21-25.
- Thursday, August 17 – Friday, August 18: Installation of the Wild Blue Gondola haul rope begins with the pilot line.
- Forest service trails will have intermittent closures including Pete’s Wicked, Cathy’s Cutoff and Sunshine.
- Intermittent closures on bike park trails of Flying Diamond, Tenderfoot, and Rawhide
- Intermittent closures for Why Not Road, Yoo Hoo Road, Short Cut Road and Snowmaking Control road
- Friday, August 18: Fiber installation work will close Pioneer Trail
- Beginning Tuesday, August 22: Haul rope installation continues with steel cables.
- Forest service trails will have intermittent closures including Pioneer and Sunshine.
- Intermittent closures on bike park trails of Flying Diamond, Tenderfoot, and Rawhide
- Intermittent closures for Why Not Road, Yoo Hoo Road, Short Cut Road and Snowmaking Control road
- Christie Peak Express lift is closed for the remainder of the summer season as soil stabilization work is completed around one of the towers. Beginner Bike Park access at the top of the Gondola is available via Tenderfoot. Access to beginner trails below Christie Peak will only be accessible via the Gondola and Rustler’s Ridge, an intermediate trail.
August 11 – August 18, 2023
- Christie Peak Express lift will be closed for the remainder of the summer season as soil stabilization work is completed around one of the towers. Beginner Bike Park access at the top of the Gondola is available via Tenderfoot. Access to beginner trails below Christie Peak will only be accessible via the Gondola and Rustler’s Ridge, an intermediate trail.
- Moonlight trail remains closed for snowmaking installations.
- Tuesday, August 15: Helicopter will be flying concrete from Rainbow saddle to the top of Wild Blue Gondola terminal.
- Upper forest service trails will be closed including Pete’s Wicked, Cathy’s Cutoff, Sunshine, Duster, Elkhead, and Storm Peak Challenge.
- When the helicopter is refueling there will be temporary closures of bike park trails including Cowpoke, Lickity Split and Gunsmoke as well as YooHoo Road and the Thunderhead hiking trail.
- Access to the Resort via Mountain View Trail will be impacted during these closures. Please follow all signage, closures, and reroutes.
- Thursday, August 17 – Saturday, August 19: Installation of the Wild Blue Gondola haul rope
- Forest service trails will be closed including Pioneer, Pete’s Wicked, Cathy’s Cutoff and Sunshine.
- Intermittent closures on bike park trails of Flying Diamond, Tenderfoot, and Rawhide
- Intermittent closures for Why Not Road, Short Cut Road and Snowmaking Control road
July 31-August 3, 2023
- Christie Peak Express lift remains closed. Beginner Bike Park access at the top of the Gondola is available via Tenderfoot. Access to beginner trails below Christie Peak will only be accessible via the Gondola and Rustler’s Ridge, an intermediate trail.
- Friday, July 28 Helicopter will be flying concrete from Rainbow saddle to the top of Wild Blue Gondola terminal.
- Upper forest service trails will be closed including Pete’s Wicked, Cathy’s Cutoff, Sunshine, Duster, Elkhead, and Storm Peak Challenge.
- When the helicopter is refueling there will be temporary closures of bike park trails including Cowpoke, Lickity Split and Gunsmoke as well as YooHoo Road and the Thunderhead hiking trail.
- Monday & Tuesday, July 31 & August 1- a Chinook helicopter will be installing Wild Blue Gondola towers. This will impact all trails except for Rustler’s Ridge, Valley View, and Thunderhead Hiking Trail (periodic closure of hiking trail during refueling).
- Wednesday, August 2- Helicopter will be flying concrete from Rainbow saddle to the top of Wild Blue Gondola terminal.
- Upper forest service trails will be closed including Pete’s Wicked, Cathy’s Cutoff, Sunshine, Duster, Elkhead, and Storm Peak Challenge.
- When the helicopter is refueling there will be temporary closures of bike park trails including Cowpoke, Lickity Split and Gunsmoke as well as YooHoo Road and the Thunderhead hiking trail.
- Moonlight trail remains closed for snowmaking installations. Sunshine Trail and Cathy’s Cutoff will also be closed for pipe installation beginning July 31.
- Access to the Resort via Mountain View Trail will be impacted during these closures. Please follow all signage, closures, and reroutes.
Saturday, July 22 UPDATE
-Helicopter work will be wrapping up in the morning before 9am. Expect impacts on Four Points Road.
-The Priest Creek haul rope removal project will continue, impacting Pete’s Wicked, Cathy’s Cutoff, Sunshine, Duster, and Storm Peak Challenge.
-Access to the Resort via Mountain View Trail will be impacted during these closures. Please follow all signage, closures, and reroutes.
July 21 – 27, 2023
- Moonlight forest service trail remains closed for snowmaking installations.
- Friday, July 21 & Friday, July 28: Helicopter will be flying concrete from Rainbow saddle to the top of Wild Blue Gondola terminal.
- Upper forest service trails will be closed including Pete’s Wicked, Cathy’s Cutoff, Sunshine, Duster, Elkhead, and Storm Peak Challenge.
- Access to the Resort via Mountain View Trail will be impacted during these closures. Please follow all signage, closures, and reroutes.
- When the helicopter is refueling there will be temporary closures of bike park trails including Cowpoke, Lickity Split and Gunsmoke as well as YooHoo Road and the Thunderhead hiking trail.
- Lift Maintenance crews will also be removing the haul rope on Priest Creek lift on Friday, July 21 with impacts on the same trails as above.
July 14 – 21, 2023
- Moonlight trail remains closed for snowmaking installations.
- Friday, July 14: Pioneer trail will be closed during business hours (approx. 8am – 5pm) for backfilling of towers along Mahogany Ridge Express lift line
- Friday, July 21: Helicopter will be flying concrete from Rainbow saddle to the top of Wild Blue Gondola terminal.
- Upper forest service trails will be closed including Pete’s, Cathy’s, Sunshine, Duster, Elkhead, and Storm Peak Challenge.
- When the helicopter is refueling there will be temporary closures of bike park trails including Cowpoke, Lickity Split and Gunsmoke as well as YooHoo Road and the Thunderhead hiking trail.
July 7 – 14, 2023
- Moonlight forest service trail remains closed for snowmaking installations.
- Friday, July 7 & Monday July 10: There will be concrete trucks at work from the Rainbow Saddle area; there will be no trail closures as a result but please slow down and yield to vehicles on the roads.
- Monday – Friday, July 10 – 14: Pioneer trail will be closed during business hours (approx. 8am – 5pm) as sawyers work in the area
**Friday, July 7 Morning Update**
Helicopter operations are done for the week. There will be no additional trail closures due to construction activity today or this weekend.
There will be concrete trucks at work today and Monday, July 10 from the Rainbow Saddle area; please slow down and yield to vehicles on the roads.
**Thursday, July 6 Morning Update**
Helicopter will be flying concrete to the top terminal of Mahogany Ridge Express.
- Pioneer and Creekside will be closed along with upper forest service trails including Pete’s, Cathy’s, Sunshine, Duster, Elkhead, and Storm Peak Challenge.
- When the helicopter is refueling there will be temporary closures of the Thunderhead hiking trail as well as the bike park trails of Cowpoke, Lickity Split, and Gunsmoke
**Monday, July 3 Morning Update**
Week of July 3 – July 7: Construction work this week will focus on Mahogany Ridge lift line and the upper terminal for Wild Blue Gondola. We will update trail status on a daily basis but anticipate the following impacts:
- Monday, July 3: no additional closures beyond Why Not Road and Moonlight forest service trail.
- Tuesday, July 4 – Thursday, July 6: Pioneer closed.
- Wednesday, July 5: Upper forest service trails closed including Pete’s, Cathy’s, Sunshine, Duster, Elkhead, and Storm Peak Challenge. Helicopter activity to fly concrete to top terminal for Wild Blue Gondola.
- Thursday, July 6: Helicopter activity to fly concrete to Mahogany Ridge lift line.
**Friday, June 30 Morning Update**
The helicopter will be active today working on installing the Wild Blue Gondola Towers. While in operation we will have to close a number of trails.
Bike Park closures: Tenderfoot, Bullwhip, all of Rawhide, and Flying Diamond are closed. There will be no beginner biking from the top of the Gondola.
Forest Service trail closures: All upper mountain trails including Pete’s, Cathy’s, Sunshine, Duster, and Storm Peak Challenge are closed. Pioneer is also closed.
The Forest Service trails will be limited to Zig Zag, Short Cut Rd, Yoo Hoo Rd, Creekside, and Valley View as an out and back with no access to the Gondola. The Thunderhead Hiking trail will be open.
There will be periodic closures of Yoo Hoo Rd and the Thunderhead Hiking Trail as the helicopter refuels.
**Thursday, June 29 Morning Update**
The helicopter will be working again today installing Wild Blue Gondola towers. The same closures as Wednesday, June 28 will be in effect.
**Wednesday, June 28 Morning Update**
The helicopter will be active today working on installing the Wild Blue Gondola towers. While in operation we will have to close a number of trails.
Closed in the Bike Park: Tenderfoot, Bullwhip, all of Rawhide, and Flying Diamond. There will be no beginner biking from the top of the Gondola.
Forest Service trails will be limited to Zig Zag, Short Cut Rd, Yoo Hoo Rd, Creekside, and Valley View as an out and back with no access to the Gondola. The Thunderhead Hiking trail will be open. All upper mountain trails Pete’s, Cathie’s, Sunshine, Duster, and Storm Peak Challenge are closed. Pioneer is also closed.
There will be periodic closures of Yoo Hoo Rd and the Thunderhead Hiking Trail as the helicopter refuels.
**Tuesday, June 27 Morning Update** The helicopter has been delayed until mid-afternoon.
All Bike Park trails will be opening this morning except Flying Diamond, Lower Rawhide, and Bucking Bronco.
All Forest Service trails including Storm Peak Challenge, Pete’s Cathie’s, Sunshine, Pioneer, Valley View, Creekside, Thunderhead Hiking Trail, Spur Run, Short Cut, Zig Zag, Yoo Hoo Rd, and Elkhead Loop will be open. Why Not Rd. the Vista Nature trail and Moonlight remain closed.
When helicopter work begins in the afternoon, Look See, Cowpoke, Lickety Split, and Gunsmoke will be closed, along with the Yoo Hoo Rd and the Thunderhead Hiking trails. Check out the Steamboat App and website for the most up to date information on open and closed trails, and please respect all closures for your own safety.
June 23-30, 2023
- Pioneer will be closed during business hours (8am to 5pm) 6/23 and 6/24.
- Monday, June 26-Leitner Poma will be flying concrete for the Mahogany Ridge Express towers along the lift line. Impacts will include Pioneer trail.
- Tuesday-Friday, June 27-30- Doppelmayr will be utilizing a Chinook helicopter to fly Wild Blue Gondola towers. Impacts include: Four Points, Sunshine, Pete’s Wicked, Kathy’s Cutoff, Duster, Tenderfoot, Bull Whip, Upper Rawhide (lower remains closed), Elkhead, and Moonlight trails. Yoo Hoo Road may also have rolling closures.
June 14-16, 2023
- Mahogany Ridge Express lift- Pioneer Trail is impacted through Friday during business hours. There will be helicopter traffic Wednesday, June 14 starting around noon between Burgess Creek lift to the future location of the Mahogany Ridge Express lift lower terminal. So What Road and Yoo Hoo Road will also have occasional impacts.
- Wild Blue Gondola- On Thursday, June 15, there will be a helicopter flying cement to the top of Sundown/Sunshine. This will impact Why Not Road, Four Points Road, and Duster Road. Access to the top of Thunderhead may not be possible for most of the day. Flaggers will be on site directing traffic but significant impacts and delays are expected.
June 5, 2023
- Why Not Road will be impacted while a helicopter is flying between 8 to 10:30 a.m. to deliver hardware and equipment for installing the upper Wild Blue Gondola towers.